Nada Tawakol

QA Test Engineer

Cairo, Egypt
Siemens EDA

Meet Nada Tawakol, an AGF scholar from Egypt who pursued a BS in Electronics & Communication Engineering at the American University in Cairo.

“I believe AGF program provided me with a wonderful learning experience. I wouldn’t have attended the AUC and received this high-quality education without Al Ghurair scholarship. For me, it was a dream to join the AUC. I could not have afforded the high tuition without Al Ghurair’s program support. Moreover, the foundation’s non-financial support was excellent. Now I look back on my university days and appreciate every minute I spent in community service activities. These activities shaped my personality and improved my skills.”

Tala graduated from the American University in Cairo in 2021 and upon graduation she found employment directly at Siemens EDA as a QA Test Engineer in Egypt.

Tala is looking forward to exceling in her new career and giving back to her community.

“My utmost goal is to benefit humanity through participating in remarkable and significant industrial and research projects.”

Massar Al Ghurair