Majed Mansi

Biomedical Sciences

International Medical Students Research Association

Meet Majed Mansi, an AGF scholar from Palestine who pursued a BS in Biomedical Sciences at An Najah National University

“To me, AGF was not just a scholarship, but it was the hand that provided me with my first steps in my career road. I couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity as it was the focal point leading me to success.”

Majed graduated from An Najah National University in 2020. Currently, he is pursuing his studies in medical school at the same university.

“Medicine means giving hope to people and giving help to anyone who needs it. ”

Majed is looking forward to completing his studies and planning to get his residency in Germany to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. After that, he wants to go back to help his people and community in Palestine.

Massar Al Ghurair