Verina Armanyous

Software Engineer

United States of America
San Francisco, California, United States

Meet Verina Armanyous, an AGF scholar from Egypt who pursued a BS in Computational Sciences at Minerva Schools at KGI.

“I am incredibly grateful to have received this scholarship. Without this great opportunity, I wouldn’t be who I am today, and the program inspired me to find ways to help others around me.”

Verina graduated from Minerva Schools at KGI in 2022 and currently she is employed as a Software Engineer at Google, United States. 

“I hope to use the software engineering skills I developed during college and various internships to create products that positively impact people’s lives. My motivation is to use software engineering for social good. The AGF scholarship was a life-changing experience, inspiring me to continue giving back to my community.”

Massar Al Ghurair